7th October - a month of autumn to Halloween

Oct 08, 2019 17:41

I was way too tired when I got home last night to post, and I meant to post this this morning, but there was a Windows Update thing, and then it was one of those days where everything I picked up I seemed to drop, but here it is at last...

Poetry for October
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Robert Frost

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Pictures for October
Today I was bound for home again, driving through autumn mountain mists, trees that are just beginning to turn, and past autumn-brown bracken and distant views...

Nipped through Aberystwyth, since I was almost there anyway...

...which was on the autumn-wild side...

Then rather astonishingly I came across a Butterfly House. Of course it's in Wales, so it's a Pili Pala House (okay, tŷ pili pala). Anyway, I like them, so when I saw the sign I had to detour the three mere miles to go and find them. *g*

And red berries on the trees by the hydro-dam nearby... Detouring those three miles actually turned into a much longer tiny-wind-y-mountain-road type detour, as the sat nav tried to get me back where it wanted me again, but Little Car drove valiantly up steep one-track roads, and round blind one-track bends until we got back to more solid ways once more, and then it was straight on back into England and down to Somerset.

Prosfic for October
Today my Kobo decided that I would read End of the Path by AngelfishCI5, so I did - and not at all autumnal, but very nice anyway. Then my bedtime reading was the start of Of Angels and Angles by SarahK. I wanted to read longer, but I was just waaaay too sleepy...

...and the Lads!

(I'm getting very cavalier about lj-cuts... Should I put the butterflies under one?)

2019 in photos, autumn, pros pics, wanderings - wales, pros fic recs-reviews, pros

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