A Dorset day ends

Sep 15, 2019 22:07

Finally, I found myself at the seaside, walking down the prom, queuing for fish and chips... And being swoop_attacked by seagulls three times! I swear this big white one marked me out, cos as soon as I sat down on the wall, it started calling to tell the others I was there. Sure enough, some young gulls arrived and started inching closer... I shot them all warning looks, and as I was eyeing the younguns, in the corner of my eye I saw grown up seagull launch into the air, and next thing I knew she'd swooped and almost carried off the bit of fish I was about to eat from my fingers!

I could see her gearing up for another go, so I figured standing near more people would be the better part of valour... *g* Plus she'd got that bit of fish sandy, so I had to throw it away. Over I go to the bin and all, and as I'm walking away from it, surrounded by other people now I'm swooped by one of the younguns! I brush my hair back down where the wing had missed it, turn to reply to someone who'd commented - and another youngun comes at me cis it's presumably their turn!

No one else was swooped, though there were other people eating fish and chips too - only me! Ivd been marked out by that adult gull as a training exercise! Presumably because I was the only person on my own... eep! Something else to add to the perils of a single life...

So I stood with my back to a tall wall to eat instead, where they'd knock themselves out if they tried it again, and managed to finish in safety, if not peace! And then I had an ice cream. *g*

And the sun slowly set over Dorset, and Little Car and I headed home to Somerset... *g*

Hope you didn't get fed up with the pics - it's been ages since I posted about wanderings...!

2019 in photos, wanderings - england

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