Test post plus

Aug 25, 2019 14:58

I'm trying to work out if what I heard once about replacing icons so that they don't vanish is true, and I was going to make this a private test post, but actually... hello! I was going back through my posts to find one where I'd used this icon (made by Norfolkdumpling), so that I could see whether it vanished and was replaced by my default icon or whether it could be replaced by a different icon with the same keywords (ETA - It worked! It worked! It's now showing my icon, not the one that I originally posted here!), and I realised a few things.
- I'm definitely not using all my 160+ icons when I make posts!
- It's been a very poor year for posting, even worse than other years which I thought were poor
- I've not made a photo post for ages, let alone a series of them
- The last couple of years (2017-2018) sucked for various reasons, but the sucking turned into some pretty fab things
= If I don't start posting again, I'm going to regret it when I look back over my lj next time! And because of course it's hard to chat to people when they're not posting, and I miss that!

For now - have some icons I made yesterday, and posted elsewhere to macklingirl's Icon Challenge:

They're not brilliant, but they were fun to make. *g*

And I will save anything else I'm going to say for the next post, which will find out if the icon-thing worked. *g*

How're you doing? Melting like me, in this incredibly bright late August day? Or...?

2019 in photos, livejournal, icons

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