Books 2019 - Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens

Apr 04, 2019 00:13

Mount TBR so far = 7/24
Lj Book Bingo Masterpost

When Nicholas' father dies, he, his mother and sister are left penniless. To earn his keep, Nicholas becomes a tutor at Dotheboys Hall but soon discovers that the headmaster, Wackford Squeers, is a one-eyed tyrant who insists on a harsh regime. Nicholas embarks on an adventure that takes him from loathsome boarding schools to the London stage. Dickens confronts issues of neglect and cruelty in this blackly comic masterpiece.

This was our bookgroup's book for the last two months, because it's 831 pages of very small writing - I'll be interested to find out how many of us actually did read it, even with all the extra time! I must admit that it wasn't an easy read - it was a bit of a slog sometimes. There were times when I just wanted the story to move on, or it was pretty clear where something was going to happen (because it really morally had to), but on the other hand there were also times when I found myself amused to the point of smiling out loud, and although I will admit to not picking the book up as often as I would have many other books, I really did want to read on to the end to find out what happened (or at least how Dickens was going to make it happen).

What I mostly found myself thinking, as I read, was how much people haven't changed in many ways, since Dickens' day. Money is still what makes the country go around, despite the efforts of people who genuinely want to do the best for others, and the people who want money still couldn't care less who they hurt in their efforts to get more of it. Luckily there are those few people, like the Cheerybles and the Brodies, who make it all seem worth the next breath.

I'm glad I've read this - but I'm also glad that I've finished it, and it was a lovely feeling the day after to realise that I could pick up any book I wanted to read again. Yeay!

I also realised that I hadn't used my Historical fiction square yet, so there's another reason it was worth reading Nicholas Nickleby! *g*

books - 2019, books read, bookbingo 2019

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