Palelyloitering no more...

Sep 30, 2018 23:20

Just a quick heads up - my Pros website palelyloitering is no more... emptymirrors has been kindly hosting it for many years, but unfortunately her provider hiked their prices too far for anyone reasonable, and so she's letting her websites go - and sadly palelyloitering has gone with them...

I meant to post before it happened, but what with everything I took my eye off the dates, then I lost Josey's heads-up, and now... well, now it's too late.

I do have the website on my own computer, of course, but I've also not had the software to update it now for years either - that's been another ongoing project. I liked the format I was using, and the way I knew I could navigate around it to find things, but... well, the web has moved on since I started it, so I need to think about the best thing to do with it. Move it to an lj-comm of its own? Find another way of hosting the website? Hmmmn - must think (faster! more!) Any thoughts and ideas welcome. *g*

But for now... no more palelyloitering...

palelyloitering, pros

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