Snow Pros...

Mar 19, 2018 16:13

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Comments 14

macklingirl March 19 2018, 16:35:09 UTC
Oh! Snow Pros! What a wonderful idea! Love it! :-)


byslantedlight March 19 2018, 16:59:03 UTC
I couldn't resist. *g* 4-year-old F asked who it was, but he didn't get it like my wee A did...


macklingirl March 19 2018, 18:23:51 UTC
Well, 4-year-old F is a boy, little wee A is a girl. So it is no wonder that he didn't get it. ;-)


loxleyprince March 19 2018, 18:57:25 UTC
Excellent!!! I love your snow Pros!


byslantedlight March 21 2018, 22:14:38 UTC
I couldn't resist - thank you! *g*


golden_bastet March 20 2018, 00:58:32 UTC
LOL! Perfect!


byslantedlight March 21 2018, 22:14:59 UTC
I couldn't resist - it just seemed like the right thing to do... *g*


silver_cyanne March 20 2018, 02:12:48 UTC
Oh, that's so cute!!


byslantedlight March 21 2018, 22:15:14 UTC
That's our lads for you... *g*


siskiou March 20 2018, 15:31:31 UTC

Snow *and* Pros! What could be better? How are you doing?


byslantedlight March 21 2018, 22:16:42 UTC
There's something about our lads in the snow... *g*

I'm honestly going to post to lj soon about it all - but every time I think I might I get distracted by something that needs doing! Today I actually felt like I might be getting a bit sorted... or something. So that's a start... *g* How are you guys? Is it spring yet, where you are?


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