Tuesday Lads

Feb 27, 2018 14:50

I'm feeling a need...

...for Doyle standing in the sunshine

...looking bendy and long-legged and competent on the summer grass

...and basically being him.

Because we know it makes Bodie happy too. *g*

In other news, it hasn't snowed here - in fact we have bright blue skies, which would be really nice if it wasn't bitterly cold too! Well, it's nicer than rain, of course, but I would have liked some snow! Typically I moved out of the way of snow when I left Bucks... *sulks slightly* We might have some on Thursday, apparently - otherwise we're just set for freezing rain and black ice on Friday. Humph. Oh, and of course it's Thursday night that I was going to explore a new and more local reading group but there's a probably ungritted hill between me and my wee car and their meeting place, so we'll see...

I must buck up too - felt quite productive in my daytime four hours yesterday, as I managed to sort out one set of Job-2 work for the year (which I didn't think I'd be invited back to at the same level, because All Was Change, but I was, so...) but somehow today I'm less so again.

Oh - although I did book the four day Easter holiday away this year! I'm going to stay in a castle near the Welsh borders, and explore... *g* Quite unlike me, to stay in the same place for four days, but I'm pretty sure there's lots to see around there. Plus - staying in a castle. *g* Now I just need to sort out a May holiday, and hopefully a late-July one, and then cross fingers that the two weeks Family choose are later in the year.

Back to work in ten minutes - I don't wanna go, today! Not that work is at all bad, but sometimes... well, just blah.

Any cheerful things out there? Go on - post a cheerful thing for me...? *g*

snow, pros pics, pros, mybrilliantcareer

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