Day 38 Happy - Tuesday 31st October - Halloween!

Nov 02, 2017 09:19

Catching up! Pretend it's Tuesday for a minute...? *g*

Today was a driving day - after a relaxed start and Pros-y type chatting and so on, we hit the road headed north. Three hours goes surprisingly fast when you can carry on chatting about Pros and the state of lj, and and Pros on lj, and where else Pros is, and... well,
you get the idea! *g* But eventually it was time to drop my guest off elsewhere, and I carried on alone again. My satnav warned me that I'd have to pay a toll to carry on the direction I was going, but I didn't want to waste time on a work-around, so I resigned myself to it - and coughed up the 12p required for crossing a wee bridge back to the main road!
*g* Then it was all big roads and fast driving for a while, headed off to Wales.

Just after dark I arrived at this place, surrounded by woods and shone down on by a nearly full moon...

Betws-y-coed YHA, by Swallow Falls. *g* The pretty building is actually the hotel rather than the very unprepossessing YHA, but it all worked and there I was.

And this was my view when I had dinner at the hotel (Mediterranean stuffed peppers, cos sometimes you just feel the need for veggies!)
I was in a wee booth by the window, and it was all very peaceful and quiet, and it turned out I had the YHA room all to myself too, so generally, the day was a happy, I'd say!

Probably the fact that there were in fact no spooky encounters was also a happy, really... *g* I wouldn't mind one at all - provided I was with other people at the time, which I'm not usually! Did anyone manage to have a halloween-y Halloween? *g*

100dayshappy, wanderings - wales, wanderings - england, 2017 in photos

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