It's been a bit of a Friday 13th day, actually, although nothing bad, just little things being awkward (a road closed when I was already late for a meeting; having squeezed in work for the writer's group only to find that I'd missed Fb messages saying the two people I'd made efforts for wouldn't be coming; stuff...) But there were bright spots.
A wee wander with A, which resulted in seeing this place.
A wee sit on the village bench with A, just because she wanted to, watching village life go by (very spreading oak tree!)
And a visit to the playground with A later (after we'd been swimming - which session ended earlier than expected, when we'd got their later than usual!).
And now bed, ready for the long drive back to Somerset tomorrow, probably for no real reason... (for experience, for an interview - to get me in the mindset again, for... well, maybe I'll stop in at the Discworld Emporium while I'm in the neighbourhood... *g*)