366 Photos - 148/366 - That was the day that was yesterday

May 28, 2016 18:17

Please pretend it's still Friday - I took some pictures, but didn't post them. It was one of those weird home-from-holiday-blah days, which doesn't at all match the feeling of the day before (hurrah-home-again!) Of course this might have been because I had to go back to work and sit in a chair at a desk for seven hours again. Which I didn't do very well, and consequently need to catch up with this weekend. *headdesk* And also that I woke up with a headache again - wha-at? Bizarre coincidence? Too late on the computer again? The result of two lattes the day before? Something else? It's not my pillow, or the way I sleep, cos I took that with me (I've been to YHAs before... *g*) It wasn't the wine, cos I drank more on holiday and didn't have a headache. Hmmn! (I experimented with leaving my bedroom door a bit open last night - better air circulation, maybe? I only had a brief and not-really-there headache this morning, so... it's true that I can't see an air vent in there, but it's not like a tiny claustrophobic place that's totally sealed up either...) We'll see!

But I did remember to take photos, even if they were only in my wee gravel garden. But everything grew in the week I was away!

Look at the ferns! See the second pic on the left? That brown blob in the planter? I cut them right back just before I left, cos they were all brown and dusty (okay, dead-looking), and that was on the 12th May. Look what had happened by the 27th May!

Ba-doing! *g*

Allium pop! Chives pop! and my dogwood in flower! (I know, chives are allium too. *g*)

Sunflower rising - seed planted on the same day I lopped back the ferns.

And the blossom-y thing outside my window!
It was just thinking of blossoming when I left, and I missed the best of it, because some of the flowers are already finished with themselves, and gone brown... *sniffs sadly* Still not bad, though. *g*

Oh, home-home-home... How're you doing? *g*

366 project2016

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