Our Minori...

May 16, 2016 23:34

Such very very sad news about our lovely minori_k, who always felt like a little drop of sunshine on lj. She was just as beautiful in real life, and always so happy to be visiting England, it beamed out of her!

She will be much missed. I've just been to re-read her lj, and the first time we chatted there it was about Bodie and Doyle skiing, because she was off skiing in Osaka. And here's her first Safehouse post! We were lucky to have her as our discoveredinalj artist for three Christmas challenges - she did banners for Discovered Whilst a Carolling, Discovered in a Christmas Pud and just this last Christmas Discovered in the Holly and Ivy (you can click on the banners to get bigger versions). Her art is of course over at AO3 too, but I do wish she was still with us...

I don't think she'd mind if I posted one of my favourite of her pics here to remember her by - though there are so many to choose from, that it's my favourite just now as much as anything, for its colour and its love between the lads...

Would anyone else care to join me in remembering Minori through her wonderful artwork, by posting to their own lj, or a comm? It would be a nice way of saying our goodbyes through our happy memories of her, I think...


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