7-7-7 Writing meme - any Pros WIPs out there?

Jan 12, 2016 16:07

Just back from a morning's cobwebs (volunteering *g*) and came across this meme as done by fiorenza_a, and thought - fun! Pros post!

1. Go to page 7 (or 77) of your current WIP.
2. Go to line 7
3. Copy down the next 7 lines - sentences or paragraphs - and post them as they’re written.
Tag seven other people.

I did think I might have to adapt it to paragraph 7, cos blimey - but actually I do have one that hits 7 pages (and beyond, and I even had it out the other day, so:

Waters and the Wild WIP - page 7, for 7 lines after line 7.
Bodie's eyes widened as he watched it encase Doyle's entire body, disappearing between his buttocks, somehow stretching over his balls and even his cock and...

Patricks caught him staring. "The Skin does not bond with mucous membranes, it rather dissolves on continuous contact, allowing the body to... carry out its normal functionality. As most sex simulators are designed to mimic the human body for best... um... utility, this will appear entirely normal.

"Gosh, thanks," Doyle muttered, flexing and twitching within the Skin. He held up the final flap of circuitry. "And this?"


Of course it turned out to be a slightly kinky sounding bit! *g* It's an AU crossover with Speilberg's Artificial Intelligence and I've been writing it for years... it's not even all that long (just under 32,000 words so far - which isn't 77 pages!)

I don't usually tag people, but maybe this time I will - anyone out there got a Pros WIP they could post 7-7-7? Maybe paragraph 7, line 7, the next 7 lines after that? Hmmn, who might have Pros WIPS...? *g* Maybe phantomas, heliophile_oxon, golden_bastet, msmoat, solosundance, jessebee, or merentha13? Or anyone else out there who fancies? *g* (Obviously making a post is entirely optional, and I always think tagging is a bit cheeky, but... wee bursts of Prosfic in my flist? )

pros, writing, meme

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