Virtual Reading Room Monday with Added Lunar Eclipse

Sep 28, 2015 14:53

So... which silly sausage decided she wanted to see the lunar eclipse last night, even though it didn't start 'til nearly 2am? And got an hour and a bit's sleep, then bounded out of bed, rugged up, and proceeded to spend the next three hours actually standing in the cold, camera in hand, just a bit mesmerised by it all? I may have taken 672 photos... well, it kept me busy. *g* And oooh, the moon! And the night sky! It was an amazingly clear night - and in those three hours there was not just a total lunar eclipse, but three shooting stars, the Milky Way, and a bat come to check me out where I shouldn't be at that hour of the night... *g*

Of course now it's work time, but when you go to bed at 6am, chilled to the core (I was fine for the first two hours, it was the last one that got me) and are up again at 10am... well... posting about it seems like a much better idea to start with. Cos wake up! So... let's see...

If you click through, that's the Milky Way you can just about see in the first pic - and in the second pic a wee cloud blew through the night just as the moon was about to appear to full again, and I cursed it slightly... but I rather like it. The earth's shadow is somehow over the clouds, too! *g*

It was all a bit experimental actually, so there's various effects of moonlight - the very first one was first (by the time I got out there at 2.24am), but I eventually remembered how to expose better for more detail, and to catch the colour, which came on gradually as the shadow grew. It seems more obvious as a shadow in the later pics, I think - especially the ones with the cloud. And of course I was wishing all the way through, as I leant on my dew-wet car for balance, that I'd bought the tripod I'd been eyeing up a few weeks ago... one of these days I'll decide I can both afford and justify it! So, a hand-held 70-300mm lens, at full-stretch let me do this...

And our moon is back!

And the night-sky awake-but-chilly photographer-triumphant in the full glow of the moonlight at 5.34am... *g*

(Night sky pic taken during totality - you couldn't see nearly those number of stars when the moon came back). I think the moon coming back was my favourite part - all was still, and peaceful and night-sky dark, and then there was a glow to the moon, and then a shine, and gradually I realised that the dew on my car was glinting in the moonlight again, because there was moonlight, and then that there was moonlight enough that I had a shadow, and then that she was back, our moon... *g*

Today's Work To Be Done
Post Reading Room Reminder
Post moon pics *g*

Job1 - 45 pages
Job1 - 7 pages

Fiddle practice
Fiddle lesson
Anything else I can... *g*

sky, somerset, photos, myvirtualoffice, wonderful things

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