Virtual Office Thursday 13th August

Aug 13, 2015 11:31

Back to the ordinary Virtual Office... I had a cunning plan for yesterday's virtual office, which was to take the day off Job 1 and dedicate it instead to Writing Virtual Office! This was slightly scuppered by going to bed at 2am the night before, so that I started even later, and then having many other niggling tasks that niggled at me to get done instead... Also I made the mistake of deciding to start with a Round Robin chapter, and got all tangled up in plot-disentangling to the point that I needed to wait, which threw me a bit... But I did writing-plotting, which counts, and I did actually write just over 200 words of another fic before I got caught up in wondering what the point of the story was (cos even PWPs have to have a kind of a point), and then getting tangled up in a Job 2.2 deadline (it's never really over, Job 2, it just pauses now and then...), so... not quite as planned, but there were bits of writing. And Job 1 is quiet, so there's gonna be next Wednesday too. *g* Anyway - today!
There will be much working, in time to finish for my hair-fix at 5.00. Even though I'm starting late. Hmmn...

Oh, in other news - just before I went to bed at... um... 2am... last night I nipped out for more Perseids and there were - half a dozen bright ones in just ten minutes or so, all golden-flared and with trails, including a double one! I've never seen one like that before, how fab! This is all those science fiction worlds being true... *g* We're scheduled to be really really cloudy for a day or so, sadly... Speaking of which, Accuweather tells me it's going to rain in exactly five minutes (11.35am) and stop at 12.05pm. I'm watching... *g*

How're you?

ETA - There is no rain! Honestly, it calls itself a minute-by-minute forecast... although I will grant you that we seem to be on the very tippy-edge of the rain patch according to their radar... next attempt at 12.36 apparently. I hope so - my wee pots need watering!

Today's Stuff
Fiddle practice
Job 2 - reply to email
Bank stuff

Job 1 - pgs 01-8 (Erk, this is dense...)
Job 1 - pgs 9-16
Job 1 - pgs 16-24

Job 1 - pgs 01-6
Job 1 - pgs 7-13

Hacktrack walk
Archery if it doesn't rain?

space and time, wonderful things

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