I could have done with a week off in between, I really could - I hoped I'd have that actually, but Job 2 overran into it. Oh well... So! Today! It's Monday! And it's a new start to Job 1, so let's see if I can manage to do it well - the whole point of deciding to take on Job 1 in the first place was to make it work for me, rather than the other way around.
So - I live in the country, and there's a wee mile-long hacktrack that I should be taking advantage of every day. So I started out by walking to work... *g*
It's grey and muggy and mist-swathed today, though I've had all the windows and stable doors open, and it's all just stirring with a cooler breeze...
The hack track is looking very pretty - all wallflowers and thistles along the way. There's even a few blackberries out - and actually ripe! The last dozen steps are through the camomile daisies, and there is a lovely smell of camomile as you walk through.
I bumped into Landlord taking Otto for a walk this morning, so we chatted a bit - and Landlady and Mate were just off out for an actual hack on their horses, so after a quick hello they clopped off. Peered at my garden, which is waiting for the promised rain, but looking pretty green across the gravel.
(Those yellow flowers at the end are my courgettes! I'm hoping they might end up growing courgettes... There are wee green tomatoes on the tomato plants too (which make me think of Bodie's surprise in Discovered in a Furball by the Hag (I think it was that one) - actual tomatoes growing on his rivals! *g*).
And now, here I sit, ready to start... there's a good day's worth of Job 1, and bits and pieces of Job 2 to mop up. Better get on...
Anyone else in the office? *g*
Today's tasks
Job 1 download docs
Job 2 send summary sheets
Job 2 various emails
Job 2 various more emails and tasks
Job 1 pgs 1-7
Job 1 pgs 8-15
Job 1 pgs 1-10
Job 1 pgs 11-20
Job 1 pgs 21-30
Job 1 pgs 31-40
Job 1 pgs 41-50
Job 1 pgs 51-60
Job 1 pgs 61-69
Job 2 track missing tl report (people on the case)
Fiddle practice