Not in the office on Thursday either...

Mar 26, 2015 23:45

Well I was sort of in an office, and worked hard actually - all that thinking about Rasch graphs, and Wright Maps and... quite brain-exploding stuff it was... and now of course there's the coursework about it - eeep! We finished early though, and I didn't get a headache today, and then I ended up deciding not to trog around London when I had no particular plans and did have luggage, so I walked over the river (well, on the bridge, not actually... *g*) and caught the train and was home in time for archery, but then I was quite tired and didn't go after all. I would have had to rush, and miss dinner, and... so no.

But London was lovely and London. Here's the view out my hotel window, and a London-y contre-jour (thanks gvenanne!) photo...

And then this church was down on Aldwych, on my way out, looking all like spring...

...and I cut through Somerset House, which I always like too. I almost nipped into the exhibitions, but nothing quite grabbed me enough.

Over Waterloo Bridge I went (and hey, I have a reason to remember which one this is, now!)

...and then I was on the other side of the river...

...heading for a strange new (still old, unlike Kings Cross) railway station...

...and catching the train, and leaving London...

And when I got home - I had mail! My favourite was my copy of Jackdaw, which finally arrived, so I made the appropriate cocktail, and settled down to read for the evening... *g*

Oh, and how much do you love the cork on the Prosecco - it's an angel! Okay, it's instructions to use a corkscrew but... it's the Prosecco angel! *vbg*

(And okay, it's totally messed up reading lj on my phone, but lj is fast at uploading photos now - the fastest photo uploads I've ever seen!)

And finally... that wasn't the first time I've been away for a night or two since I moved in here, but somehow it's the first time that coming home felt like coming home, and being glad to be home, and that was rather nice too... *g* Now I'm off to my own soft bed, in my very own bed, with my very own books... *vbg* And even though there's a day and more's work in it - tomorrow's Friday - hurrah!

photos, spring, real life, wanderings - london, myvirtualoffice, charm of magpies

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