London, baby...

Mar 24, 2015 17:26

Yeay, I made it, and I even got some work done on the train! Mind you, that was a palaver and a half! I trundled down to the local station (fifteen minutes down the road) only to find that all the carparking was parked in. Noooo! And it's just in the country rather than in the nearest town (that it's named after), so there aren't any streets to ( Read more... )

photos, real life, wanderings - london, myvirtualoffice

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Comments 10

milomaus March 24 2015, 17:38:01 UTC
An adventure, you're truly having an adventure, what could be better for writing than real life?

Lovely station and huge hotel room, I do hope you'll write instead of dancing though.....

London, baby!!!!


byslantedlight March 24 2015, 20:26:11 UTC
Hee - I am having a wee adventure! This is what happens when you stop driving... *g*

I've just got back from... being out *g* and now I have to finish off work, but then maybe - if I can stay awake! - writing! It's only 8.30pm, but I'm all cosy in my flash room, so there's no reason not to... London, baby! *vbg*


dollidaydream March 24 2015, 18:34:08 UTC
Oh, I think a hotel room would be a great place for writing - I think the anonymity, the tabla rasa, the not-having-your-usual-input would be really conducive to writing. I think that you might come up with something really different.


byslantedlight March 24 2015, 20:27:54 UTC
Hotel rooms are quite often good for writing - well, in theory. My trouble is that if I'm in a hotel room it's usually cos I've been buzzing around doing a hundred things, and so when I get back I'm just sleeeepy...but I'm back early tonight, and have to finish work first, even though I'm sleepy so...maybe I'll wake up after that! And hmmn - I wonder what kind of different thing I could write there's an intriguing thought on its own... *g*


owned_by_a_cat March 24 2015, 18:37:32 UTC
Hotels are wonderful for writing! And I'm glad to have found another Paperblanks aficionado. I have a diary each year and treat myself to a new journal for each novel I start. My WiP shelf sure looks pretty...
Enjoy Foyles. There are actually quite a few late-opening bookstores down Charing Cross, so have fun!


byslantedlight March 24 2015, 20:31:10 UTC
Oh yes - paperblanks! I've finally given in and decided not to feel guilty about treating myself to them, because they're just so beautiful that I want to write in them... I have them for my journal, which I write every day, so really when you divide the cost by 365 it's negligible... and as you say, they do make a pretty shelf...

That said, I wandered around and couldn't find Paperblanks this evening - ack! What I should have searched out was a Waterstones, cos I know they do them, but I was in London, I wanted something more exotic - that'll serve me right! Tomorrow... *g*


heliophile_oxon March 24 2015, 19:22:56 UTC
You made it, phew! *g*
And yay for getting an upgrade; never came across hotel upgrades before :-)


byslantedlight March 24 2015, 20:34:12 UTC
I did make it! *g* And I'd even done the majority of my work, so I wouldn't have been fretting too much after all, but never mind! That said, I still have it to finish now...

I was completely thrown when the receptionist said I had an upgrade - my first thought was "oh wow, how cool - that never happens to me" and then she said "It's the hotel just across the road..." and too me to the window to point to it! Very odd! It's all owned by the same omniscient hotel group though (in fact I think they have a few of the old townhouses up this road, cos I saw their name on a couple of the other hotels I went past when I was looking for the other one. I'm presuming that when they say "upgrade" what they meant was "We overbooked for your company and the others all got here first, so..." - but that works for me.. *g*


miwahni March 25 2015, 11:20:08 UTC
And as is usually true for real life, nothing runs smoothly. Expired cars and omniscient ticket machines and upgrades,oh my!

The bed cover in your hotel room reminds me of every Premier inn I ever stayed in. Cool room though.


byslantedlight March 25 2015, 22:10:05 UTC
Lol - certainly it doesn't seem to run particularly smoothly in my life - although really it's only that we notice when it doesn't, I suppose. But yes - oh my!

It's not the prettiest room, I have to say - and in many ways it feels pretty bog-standard. And ha - I've had much comfier beds in Premier Inns too (I think that was a Premier Inn where I was soooo impressed by the softness of the bed that I never wanted to leave it) - this one's on the hard side... although I've slept in worse. But it's quite nice having all the space, and being able to walk from one end of it to the other. I could pace if I wanted to! *g*


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