Blimey, back again... still, I'm up, I'm alive, I've got the washing on and it's not raining (though it's looking pretty grey). The weekend was a bit... well, it was fine, but not as fab as I'd've liked, for no particular reason. My camera broke. (Waaaah! I can fiddle with it myself cos the repair according to google looks straightforward, but I'll need to buy silicon grease and a jeweller's screwdriver, or I can take it to a repair shop and they'll no doubt charge me ridiculous amounts... erk. Not sure which yet.) I didn't get things done I'd wanted - but I'm kind of excited to do them this morning. So...
So today there will be writing again. Work's a bit more relaxed, there's no archery tonight (*sigh*) and the only other thing I have to do is get to the laundrette. So - writing! And a thought for the day. Let's have a thought for the day. *g*
(Pinched from Pinterest)
The Work Bit
1. Smattering of Job 2 via email
2. Re-read NaNoWriMo fic to see if it's as dreadful as I remember
pgs 1-10
pgs 11-20 (2.00-2.43pm)
fiddle practice
pgs 21-30 (3.15- 4.30)
various chores
pgs 31-40 (5.20- )
Hack-track mile (-6.45pm
Chores, dinner on...
pgs 41-53 (7.10pm-8.10pm) - Yeay, done!