A Bath day and a Sunday

Mar 08, 2015 23:10

I do like Bath... I was feeling the need for some history and some culture (okay, and some Lush bubble bath) on Saturday, so I decided to take myself off... and there was coffee and fruit toast, and blue skies, and...

...and mini London Bridge. *g* Properly, a bridge with shops on either side of it. On the bridge. Can you imagine how fab the proper London Bridge must have been?

And that's the shop that I was looking for, sitting on the bridge itself. There may be some mosaicing... *g*

Then I wandered Bath streets...

...including Quiet Street, which I rather liked...

Past church doors and ghost signs...

(and under very blue skies - it was such a gorgeous day!)

Until I came to...

Well, the sculpture representing Uranus at the Herschel Museum, all about the lives of William and Caroline Herschel, astronomers

Such an elegant world, as it looks now...

I loved this guest list too - all the people who visited the Herschels when they (William really, then, in England) were famous astronomers! I particularly like "A gentleman" and "two ladies"! *g*

And it turns out that William invented the cyanotype as well, which is one of my favourite kinds of image - I love the colours of them, and their dreaminess...

Wandering back towards town, I came upon the sudden scent of wattle! Not smelled that for years - even when I made it to Australia (wrong season!) Lovely!

And this is just a bit more Bath... *g*

And then look what I stumbled upon! An independent bookshop! With chandeliers and armchairs and... and... and three floors. *g*

Then home to the sunset...

And do you see that one long grey cloud, streaming past in the the right-hand pic? It was as if I could see the place it was being born, and it just rushed along the valley as fast as it could, not trying to spread out, not doing anything to get in the way of the sunset colours, just streaming past...

And a final confession.
There may have been books. *g*

Actually it was also home to The Voice, which I still seem to be following. And then blimey it's been slated already, but I'm quite impressed with the UK Eurovision entry this year (which I often have no idea about even when it's all over, but this time I pressed a red button on me fancy telly after The Voice... *g*)

image Click to view

But then I quite like electro swing, so... *g*

And then it was Sunday. And Sunday was all sorts of domestic things, including much cleaning, a bit of gardening-in-pots, and that sort of thing and, for some reason - ow! - face-ache again... *headdesk* Stoopid face... Oh, but I did download the free trial of Scrivener, to see if I can make some sense of all the scraps of paper I seem to be generating...

What else? Oh - Poldark, which I'd been looking forward to! Lots of gorgeous filming, and beautiful sweeping sky shots, and Aidan Turner just can't help but look good in period costume so far so good... *g* My only trouble - well, not trouble as such - was that I kept imagining Jonah Pastern and his Ben from Jackdaw out windwalking over the cliffs in sunshine... *g*

Shame it's Monday tomorrow, I could do that all over again (well, not so much the face-ache bit...) Hope you all had a nice weekend too..! Cheers!
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