Virtual Office Thursday

Mar 05, 2015 10:13

The trouble with Wednesday is that it's Wednesday - you can see freedom from there, but there's all the drudgery to get through first. Tuesday's even worse, though if you're lucky you can snag onto some of Monday's freshness. Thursday... well, now you can just about see the weekend, like catching the scent of the seaside on the air before all that blue sparkle comes into view... *g*

So I will try the Virtual Office again today, despite two days of disaster-feeling (I am actually up to date for my deadline, it just didn't feel as if I was yesterday). But I shall format my day a little differently, I think.

I also woke up realising that it was all wrong that I'm not currently planning a trip somewhere. I haven't for ages, and I should. Actually I do have some trips coming up, all to London, which I can start planning (one of them around a Job 2 course, but the other for a weekend of chat and chilling out in London!). I have a wine course voucher from my brother to use up - trouble is, it's an evening's tasting etc., based in Cambridge, where I'm not any more. But I should just book it and go, cos that'll be different too. And I've taken a week off in May of course. The trouble with that is that I need to renew my passport and my right to abode before I can go jaunting off anywhere too exotic, and before Job 2 craziness kicks off. Job 2 craziness will of course use up all of June and July really, but then... I did say I wanted to get to Alaska this year, if my long-suffering mate is a) still there, and b) still speaking to me. Maybe I can incorporate a bit of wandering into that... *g*

And then I realised that I didn't have anything planned for this weekend except The Voice at 7pm on Saturday and Poldark at 9pm on Sunday, and maybe I should see if I can find something more exotic to do then


1. Reading The Book Thief - I'm supposed to be finished for book group tonight, but it didn't grab me I started reading, and so I didn't pick it up often enough. I'm nearly 70% through though...
2. Fiddle practice
3. Riverford delivery put away
4. Worked out the right-aligned picture thing, with the writing formatting around it rather than above and below it - thanks owned_by_a_cat!
5. Replied to attend Lunch Club talk thingie on 16th
6. Visited milomaus's desk...
7. Work! 10.30-11.20 (5 pages, pretty solid work. Suppose that's just how long this one takes...)
8. A wee wander of other desks... And it's World Book Day! Other people's desks are so much more interesting than mine... *g*
9. Write Pros - yeay, Part 4 written! I do like managing at least a bit of writing every day...
10. Snack and The Book Thief 414/560...
11. Work! 12.30-1.50. 11 pages, 32/43 - much better pace! Lunch now...
12. And stopping by a few desks, and to chat at my own... *g*)
13. Lunch and The Book Thief. 497/560 - maybe I will do this!
14. Fiddle practice.
15. Work. 3.15-4.15. 42/42.
16. Download future assignment.
17. Hacktrack mile walk. Fresh air! Sunshine!
18.Break - The Book Thief - Finished! All the way to 5.40pm, but finished!
19. Work! 0/28-8/28
20. Bookgroup.

pros fic, writing

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