
Feb 15, 2015 09:55

...weird weekend. It started well - will hopefully end well - but I went to bed at about 1am this morning and found myself awake around 2.30am and couldn't get back to sleep after that! I eventually gave up and got up and watched it get light, but now I'm sleepy and don't dare go to bed cos I won't sleep tonight. Ack!

I did go off for a wee ( Read more... )

somerset, photos, real life, winter

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byslantedlight February 15 2015, 13:35:49 UTC
Thank you! I'm still awake, which bodes well. Only... well, nine or ten hours or so to go! The only thing is that I want to do something useful like get out to the supermarket, but then I remember that it's a really really bad idea to drive when you're sleep deprived, even if you do feel relatively awake. I shall have to take a turn or two around the hack track - or maybe even venture further afield, if I can find a way to walk!

I was ever so brave and took out two more folders worth of stuff - my archaeology of the first millennium notes, and the notes from the anthropology course I took when I was doing archaeology. Actually looking back at it, oddly enough I think I did better at the anthropology than the archaeology even back then - if only I'd realised at the time! Not that I don't enjoy archaeology too, but I'm less keen on the dry scientific measurement of it. *g* Anyway - I think you're right, whatever we choose will feel wrong, because actually there's right on both the side of keeping and of throwing away, just as there is for most things. I shall remind myself that I clearly got rid of all the notes from the other classes I took, and haven't missed them yet!

Stourhead is lovely - if you're ever out this way you should drop by! *g*


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