1st January 2015

Jan 01, 2015 23:34

Well, 2015 has started out pretty grey and dull, I've got to say - though it was also very mild. I managed to get out for a walk though a pause in the slightly-spitting rain, twice around the hacktrack, which is a couple of miles, so that was something. It was actually pretty nice despite the weather - the wind all blustery-fresh. Good for cobweb-clearing!

Here's two sides of the hacktrack, the first at the "front", looking over to the main house and stables and all, and the second from almost the exact opposite side, at the "back", looking along the track itself. Not too muddy yet, either, so that was good! If I can work out where it is, you can cut across another couple of fields at the back and join a public footpath - that will be a January-goal of mine, I think!

I also practiced my fiddle like a good girl, and opened my Victorian m/m story and cut 1000+ words from the pages. Eeeep! But it counts, I think... *g* Oh, and I started the Sci-Fi Experience Reading challenge, though I've not done a post for it here, or put up the banner in my sidebar yet. I should...

Lj is bugging me slightly right now though, it's forcing those comment pages on me that I got rid of ages ago, the ones where the left border is so close to the words that it almost looks as if it's been cut off, and there's the long list of blogs etc that you can sign in with above the comment box, which just feels... wrong, when it's so cut off feeling on the other side! Anyone else getting this? I thought I'd sorted it last night by "viewing all comment pages in my own style", but it's come back again, even though the box is still ticked.

Bit of an odd day today really - I did things, but it doesn't quite feel as if I did cos I have nothing that I have to do urgently. I'm such a deadline girl - even when I'm trying to be on holiday, apparently! And then right at the end, after dinner, face-ache set in again - argh! I did pop to see my new GP about it the other day, and he reckons its probably my tmj playing up again. He gave me some not-muscle-relaxant pills that are supposed to sort of muffle the pain so that it eventually gives up trying, but I'm not entirely sure I really want to take them. I took one when I woke up with it the other night and it didn't help the pain for ages (if it did at all) but when I woke up the next day I felt knocked out until well after noon! And I'm supposed to take two at a time! Better now than when I'm back at work next week though, so I suppose I'll give them a whirl tonight and hope it turns out that I don't have to take them more than once! Wish I could remember the magic pills that the US practitioner gave me all those years ago - all I know is that they were muscle relaxants (which docs don't prescribe over here if they can help it) and I only had to take them twice for it all to be over! Alternatively, I need to find another magic craniosacral therapist who's got experience with tmj... But basically - if I'm not around tomorrow morning, I may never have woken up! Okay, maybe I'll just take one again... *g*

Honestly, now I'm just blithering, aren't I - really all I wanted to do was post to say I've been good, goal-wise, for my first day of 2015! And post pics of the hacktrack... *g* Perhaps tomorrow I'll be more interesting!

somerset, photos, ouch

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