...because it's been a few days, and I am progressing, honest...
Today was odd - up late cos it was after 2am when I turned off my light again, and then dashing off for my first fiddle lesson in two weeks, having not had time to practice in between either... Then I popped into Wells to find things like kitchen bins and cutlery - none. So down to the Sainsbury's in Street, cos that has house-y things - but no, none. Back to Shepton to the hardware shop there, and they were out of bins! Bizarre lack-of-shopping day! Well, except that I did buy a mug tree, a chopping board, and there were various supermarket offers on things I normally buy, so I stocked up... By that time the day was pretty much gone, and I had to start work - *headdesk*
But I did manage to put together some more shelves when I'd finished, and got out our ancient encyclopaedia that have been in my storage ever since mum went back to Australia. Mum and dad bought them when my sister and I were wee, and my brother not even thought of - 1974, I think it must have been, because the first yearbook is 1975! I remember them arriving and absolutely loving them - except that I scared myself silly by opening "W" and reading about werewolves. I was totally the age to know that it said they weren't real, but that it also talked about ancient legends in many countries, and what if...?
Mind you, I'm not over scaring myself silly either - my desk faces my front door, which has a sort of frosted-glass effect window, and when I looked up just a while ago I swear a dark shape moved across it... Now, common sense tells me that I didn't - it was either my very own hair, or else perhaps the wee security light by the door went on and off when an animal ran by - but late-at-night-on-my-own-for-the-first-time-in-many-years keeps nudging me differently!
I think there's extra noises too cos it's cold-cold-cold! It was proper winter cold today, so that I actually got my woolly gloves out! There's still yellow leaves around here, but they're vanishing now too... And there. It's 1.25am and I swore I'd be lights-out by 1am tonight. My hot water bottle awaits! Goodnight!