Books 2014 - Island Innocents by Glen Fiddich

Mar 07, 2014 08:31

Does a zine count as a book if it's long enough? I reckon it does. If it looks like a book, and quacks like a book... a book is as a book does... books have covers... *g* So yes!

(Oh, gargh, lj's new drag-and-drop images system has taken away the lovely simple custom-size facility they had - it was a pleasure to use Scrapbook for images, and now it's all clunky again... you can manually add percentages to the code, but oh it was so much easier to just select "custom" and then type in the width of the pic I wanted and have it do the rest of the work... The new drag and drop is great, but I'd rather have the amazingly speedy custom-sizeability...)

Anyway - I must confess to reading Island Innocents for the umpteenth time, just because I love it so much! The lads on a mission and sort of on holiday, out of their comfort zone, but totally together in an exciting new relationship, taking comfort in each other - and yet with the zing that newness brings... And the gorgeous Isles of Scilly as backdrop, in summertime, and a case to solve and... just... *sighs happily* It's a beautiful gentle read too, so that you're all comforted and lulled as a reader - this is a fic to hug to yourself. Thank you Glenfiddich, where ever you are!

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