Books 2014 - The Body in the Clouds by Ashley Hay

Mar 02, 2014 11:45

I'm getting behind again - there'll be more books today, I suspect, now that I have my (unfixed) laptop back from the uselessness of PC World's repair shop (by the end of the week... we'll call you to let you know where it's up to in a couple of days if you like... - it hadn't been touched when I finally followed up the two phone calls I made by ( Read more... )

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byslantedlight March 13 2014, 22:45:09 UTC
Well, I thought he was still in Cheshire - maybe the webpage I saw was old, or weird or summat...

I've heard about The Voice that Thunders, but not read it - I shall have to find a copy (hmmn, Amazon doesn't seem to think it's out of print, that's good!) The Aboriginal/story is interesting - there's some interesting views on the ownership of stories in other cultures (we assume that stories are free and wild things unless commerce gets its hands on them, but actually various cultures also think stories can be owned (if not necessarily commercially) and shouldn't in fact be freely told to anyone who asks... There's absolutely nothing in that idea that resonates with me, but I've a sort of morbid fascination to find out more, so thanks for adding another angle to my research, via Garner...

Ah, I remember your speed reading now - I'm not sure I've noticed about "slowing down" when reading his books, but then I tend to read at the pace of the book to start with, so I probably slow down without noticing when that's the rhythm of the story... if you see what I mean. *g*

Time is mutable...


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