So it's time for a cheerful-look-at-how-pretty-the-world-is type post after yesterday's whinge, I think - and it was also very much time to get out of the house for a wee bit today too, cos the home-hospital-home-dentist-home-hospital-home route is really kind of dull... *g* And as I was driving, even though it was to an old favourite place about 20 minutes away, I realised that it's been ages since I've been out! Well, by my standards, and London (cool as it is) notwithstanding. So - a picspam of winter in a garden of prettiness!
The Winter Walk, and my favourite copper birch...
Bare branches and delicate blossoms...
And a bit of both... *g*
Some wee shy flowers, who're hoping for spring (including the famous snowdrops!)
(Why is the bottom being chopped off those wee (violets?) flowers? I've uploaded twice and it's still doing it - hope it's fixed when you see it...)
And my favourite silver birch, looking paler than ever... and some rustly brown-leaved trees!
The mill, and the millrace all still...
...and sprinkled with stars...
Some more little hopeful woodland plants
And some famous snowdrops that just seem to have thought oh, wtf...
...cos it really was a bit chilly...
Though this chap seemed to rather enjoy it - and the attention...
And then tonight has come the promised snow...
...and tomorrow will be beyond imagining.
Well it won't, I imagine it'll be pretty. And that there'll be more photos. *g*