New Year, new laptop...

Jan 02, 2012 22:20

I did it - I went out and bought a new laptop today, and the only thing I'm not keen on about it so far (apart from Windows 7 *sighs*) is that the up-down-sideways keys are the teeniest ones on the keyboard, and it's going to take some practice until I stop missing them... Oh, and they always take away programmes that you've just got used to using, too... It's very shiny though, and long (as they mostly seem to be these days), and... and I was a very good girl, and did my research, and bought a Which Laptop Shall I Buy type mag to read over coffee this morning, and then I went around shops and I read and I fiddled and I tapped at keyboards, and I compared specs and compared them with what it'd said in the mag, and... I bought another Sony Vaio. *g* It was in my price range, it had pretty much all the specs I'd wanted, and the keyboard felt good to type on. And the touchpad is in the middle of it. Though the teeny weeny need-to-reach-for-them up-down-sideways keys are a bit of a bugger, I'll grant you... Anyway - I've spent the best part of the day transferring my security and stuff over, and it's beginning to feel a bit more like home now - though I'm still sad for my old Vaio, sleeping the sleep of the cannot-turn-on-any-more...

Now I get to catch up on all the stuff I've fallen hugely behind on - eep! And to wonder about things for 2012, and Pros in 2012, and...oh, stuff, as you do at this time of year. There's lots of Pros-y stuff I should be getting on with - palelyloitering (if I can find a Dreamweaver equivalent to use), and lots of Prosfic I haven't read yet, and wondering whether to carry on with discoveredinalj after the Christmas challenge, and/or my own writings, and/or... oh, you know. Stuff... And there's non-Pros stuff, of course...

...and by the time I've faffed around more with getting things into order on this laptop (have I mentioned the lovely keypad, by the way? *g*), it's time for bed! So here instead of my potential rambling, is the solstice sunset...

And for now, goodnight... until work again tomorrow morning - yuck! I'd much rather stay at home and organise my new laptop... *g*

Oh and I nearly forgot - I liked Sherlock very much, last night, I think they did a great job! Anyone else see it?

photos, real life, computers

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