Wednesday wobbles... and wondering about Christmas cards

Dec 07, 2011 11:06

*Hugs lj for being back again*

It's a pretty day outside here, and I'm desperate to be out in it - I felt soooo much better for being away from a desk and walking and hiking and so on whilst I was in Oz/NZ. Instead I'm trying desperately hard not to lose my temper at Boss' incredibly patronising ways... I know it's just her, and always has been, but... gargh!

So - whilst the going's good, here's something I really fancy right now...

Either of those would do - aren't they pretty? NZ coffee, that is (and apparently they're ferns, not feathers, cos that's the symbol of NZ, which I totally didn't know). I have to say, NZ coffee wasn't as consistently gorgeous as Australian coffee, but it was still hugely good... *sighs for yucky Costa at work...* At one coffee place in Australia the guy actually drew a picture of a woman in a hat - as if it was an impressionist painting - from the foam on a latte. It wasn't for me, and I'm desperately wishing I'd taken a photo of it anyway, it was so impressive. A friend reckons that coffee might be superior in Australia because of the Italian emigrants who opened coffee shops, and developed it from there (as opposed to our coffee shops, which came from the Starbucks/etc phenomenon, which is a completely different thing, and more related to fast-food than coffee, if you know what I mean... Though of course I still drink it... *vbg*)

Look, here are NZ ferns:

I even crave being on a long hike, which was when I took these... *sighs for long hikes*

I've got to get on with sorting out my photos from being away, too, now that I've got my laptop cord back, and everything is working happily again - well, just lj to go, really... *hugs lj again*

I've been wondering about Christmas cards lately too, having seen all the posts from people offering to send them to anyone on their flist who asks, and having come across a few other thoughts about them. I kind of stopped sending them in a proactive way for a while, but I'm either getting my act together a bit better (*g*) or else I've had a change of heart about them again, cos I thought I should make a better thing of it this year. But then I was looking at the way other people deal with them, and... so I have a question! *g* What do you think Christmas cards are for? What's their point? I'm curious, cos I know we're all different...

And now I suppose I'd better get back to work, and also hit Post whilst the going's good... Hope there's cheer where you are...
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