Spring Colours

Apr 20, 2011 08:50

Last weekend, in a fit of boredom, I took myself to one of our local National Trust places - Anglesey Abbey, which I adore for its winter garden, and is famous for its snowdrops. I've not often been just after snowdrop season though, and it turned out that mid-spring was full of colour and gorgeousness...

I adore these copper birch trees - I could stand staring at them forever...

Although silver birch is also a favourite of mine - especially surrounded by this deep pink.

Then there were clouds of blue wildflowers...

...and flashes of red amongst the forget-me-nots and the greenery (it's not Christmas any more!)

Green pathways, and reflections of green...

Pale cream flowers and white blossoms... What are the flowers in the first pic - they're being planted in lots of places now, and particularly all around my local Waitrose, which makes me happy because they smell divine - it's all I can do to keep walking when there's a waft of their scent on the breeze, and I have to look and see where it's come from - but I don't know what the plant is called! The second picture also has a secret extra-gorgeousness to it; as stunning as it is just as daffodils and blossoms, when I went and stood under the blossom tree, it was absolutely clouded with bees buzzing around in the branches, and it was such a lovely, peaceful sound, somehow... Imagine lazy afternoons, and less public places, where you could just lie under the boughs and enjoy the sound of summer...

Then of course there were planted violets - velvet purple in the sunshine...

These guys aren't colourful, but I love them anyway for the expressions on their faces! Wicked statues...

And then this statue had its own splash of colour - sitting at first on her head, was the kind of cheeky chappy robin that makes stereotypes (*g*), all obnoxious and this-is-my-statue!

And then finally, just because I think it's cool, proof again that lightning will strike the same place twice... (a bit like these pics actually, I'm fairly sure I've posted them before!)

It's another sunny day today - I wish I was back at Anglesey Abbey! Wouldn't it be wonderful to work somewhere like that... My view gazes out between industrial buildings, though at least I see layers of trees from suburban Cambridge in the background... Just enough to remind me that there is an "out there"!

Hope everyone else is having a decent week...

pics, real life, cambs, see the world!

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