Winter Comes...

Nov 22, 2010 17:06

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snow, photos, cambs

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Comments 24

empty_mirrors November 22 2010, 17:31:23 UTC
Empathy, empathy. Hope it doesn't snow here. Last year with the Mondeo wasn't too bad since it had an anti-slip wheel spin thingie. The Clio is smaller lighter and hasn't anything like that at all. We get snow and we're stuck. Have to make sure we get extra hay up onto the top fields in case we can't make it for a couple of days.

Also dark sky is dark. Also lowering and dour and kinda pretty.


byslantedlight November 22 2010, 17:38:40 UTC
Have you ever heard of these things, Autosocks? I don't think they're new exactly, but I've not been able to find anything except good reviews for them, snow-driving-wise. They're not cheap exactly, but £50 for a pair sounds like it might be worth it, if it gets ropey for a long time again this year... Also - eeh, Clio, how're you finding that? I read some odd reviews of them when I was looking, so didn't particularly keep my eye out...

Dark sky is dark and kinda pretty! And as I was driving home under it, there were three really long skinny tails of cloud falling down in front of me (well, when I say falling down, you know... *g*)


empty_mirrors November 22 2010, 17:55:26 UTC
WAH! The sky is falling! Who d'ya think you are Chicken Licken. *bg*

I shall definitely have a look at those autosocks. If they're as good as they look they might be the answer to a huge worry. Thanks for the rec!

The Clio is.... actually surprisingly spacious and not too bad at all. We get three bales of hay in the back - with the seat down obviously - and so far she's been pretty reliable. The worst thing is that she's a bit skittish, tends to jump a bit on corners if you're going even the tiniest bit fast. but in general we can't complain. It only cost us £200.


byslantedlight November 22 2010, 18:31:38 UTC
Hee! Doooom and gloom!

And here's the company with a clever vid of how Autosocks work... as you say, it'd take away a bit of worry, at least...

Your Clio sounds like my kind of car... *g* I felt quite extravagant spending £700 on Tem, even if that was what the insurance guys gave me. Well, minus my excess, even though they say I'll get it back...


siskiou November 22 2010, 17:34:05 UTC
Regarding snow everywhere: they are saying there is a possibility to get some on the valley floor here, around Tuesday!
And Eugene hardly ever gets snow. I'm hoping it's true, because when it does happen, there is inevitably a no school day, which would mean a 5 day weekend, with Thanksgiving on Thursday! :D
If it happens in your area, I hope your car will be proving itself up to the task!
How is Temeraire doing so far?


byslantedlight November 22 2010, 17:47:18 UTC
Hee - I love it when it happens across the whole entire globe! Well, the north, colder-side bit of the globe.. *g* But wow - snow for you guys, wheee! Shall be crossing fingers for a no-school day for you, and a long, gorgeous weekend!

Tem's doing okay so far, though when I finally checked her oil she had hardly any, so I must check again and make sure she's still good - I can't see a leak anywhere though, so... I think she need a wheel balance too, unless it's just the difference in driving her, she really is alot lighter feeling than Little Car... and she still smells a little oddly - poor old girl! So far so good, though!

I'm thinking about splashing out on a pair of Autosocks, I see good reviews of them - have you ever heard of them? I think they originated in Sweden?


lukadreaming November 22 2010, 17:37:31 UTC
I'm getting very twitchy about snow now that I have the 120-mile commute Monday and Thursday. Most of it is motorways or good A road, apart from the final 20 miles or so which is on a lousy road with a big dip and hill which becomes impassable at the first flake of snow!

I have a folding shovel and an emergency bag in the boot now!


byslantedlight November 22 2010, 17:49:02 UTC
Have you ever heard of these? They seem to have good reviews everywhere I've looked, for when you're on go-slow for the snow and ice (ie, not motorway driving... *g*) I gather they're from Scandinavia originally, and have been around for a little while, but I've not heard of them before...

I need to get Temeraire kitted out too, even if it is flat around here - just seems to make people think they can go faster...


lukadreaming November 22 2010, 17:58:56 UTC
Link doesn't work! And now I'm intrigued as to what you've found *g*.

What I do want is those thingies like mini chains you can put on the soles of your shoes to stop you slipping over!


byslantedlight November 22 2010, 18:21:28 UTC
Oh rats - but also weird, cos I just tried and it worked for me! Or here's another one - there's a vid here too They look a bit bloody brilliant, though they're not for driving long distances or anything. Be nice to know I had something to help get out of tricky situations though, or down a particularly scary hill...

And yes! Ooh - Yaktrax! Was trying to think of the name just earlier, but I thiiiiink... Yes! I bookmarked it too!


solosundance November 22 2010, 17:40:27 UTC
Don't tell Temeraire about the snow and then she won't panic :D I bet it doesn't happen here. It either bypasses London, mysteriously dumping on either side, or else gets upended right over us from a giant bucket when no-one else gets it.


byslantedlight November 22 2010, 17:51:12 UTC
Hee - maybe so, I shall be very quiet about it around her! And yeah for London too, though the snow there last year looked pretty... You have the most perfectly coloured buses for snow... *g*


constant_muse November 22 2010, 17:45:27 UTC
There's talk of snow here, but not according to the weather forecast.

I want snow!! Like Siskiou, esp. if it means closing the schools.


byslantedlight November 22 2010, 18:01:03 UTC
I know, the Beeb doesn't say we'll get snow, though the Met does... I reckon they might just be being careful - though the week after says snow everywhere!

And *sniff* - I don't get days off for snow, at least not without being forced to use up my holiday on them. This is why I want Temeraire to drive carefully! And why I'll maybe buy her some AutoSocks... *g*


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