Holiday Days Two and Three - Adventures with the Spirits

Aug 23, 2010 10:08

Yeay holidays - day two and three are sort of blurred together though, cos on Saturday night we stayed up all night in Bodmin Gaol! Oooh... *g* But before we did that... We went to Berry Pomeroy, which was a very cool ruined castle...

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photos, wanderings - england, holidaaaaaay

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moth2fic August 23 2010, 10:17:44 UTC
That was bsolutely fascinating - and that ruined castle is gorgeous!

I'm a complete unbeliever when it comes to actual spirits though I do think the atmosphere in places is influenced somehow by past events and of course atmosphere can have effects on people experiencing it. But the W13 group were very rude - if they wanted to giggle they should not have joined a group of people who seriously wanted to at least experience the darkness/mood/whatever and they should not have talked over the guide/medium talking. But I suppose they're the type who got away with it in school and have carried on like that in adult life! Either that or they were covering up desperate nerves. I'm so glad they split the groups for you!

I expect your normal jumpiness is overridden by being in a group and listening to someone talking you through it all - I speak here as a fellow 'jumper' who hates most horror movies etc. If I'm nervous and then startled I end up with a shooting pain in my neck and feeling queasy so I avoid thngs like that - and would probably have avoided your 'tour' which would have been a pity because it sounds really interesting.


heliophile_oxon August 23 2010, 14:28:04 UTC
I'm along the same lines as moth2fic re the idea of the supernatural (though I'm as susceptible as the next person to spooky darkness ... most of the time, anyway. I live in a place that minicab drivers and delivery people have referred to as "the spooky house" and sometimes refuse point-blank to come up to after dark) - but this sounds like a totally brilliant night (except for the pain-in-the-arse W13 lot). And I love those photos! What a disturbingly-beautiful, atmospheric place! Thanks for posting, it's always lovely to read about and see the places you've been!


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