Well, I'm home again, after the fabbest Christmas since I was about six - thank you
foxcat74 for being a brilliant host and Pros-y person and just all around good egg with added fannishness and a cageful of gay rats (very adorable, actually, she's right) oh, and just stuff! And as she's already said, it was ace spending time with someone you knew you could chat fannish things with at any time and they'd get it! Plus, at Christmastime! *g*
That's it, I am always having a fannish Christmas - new tradition! Be warned!
But I did have to leave eventually, and it looked like this... *sniffs sadly*
Although I did at least get to stop slightly up north on my way, and have a lovely long chat, which I again didn't want to leave, with our
...this isn't a pic of her, obviously, but we did both stand outside her house and shiver because we absolutely had to have a go at taking pics of the moon over her village! Pretty though, eh? *g* (If a wee bit fuzzy... *g*)
And then I drove and drove and drove...
...through the fog and past the cars and I promise very carefully when I had the camera out...
...but it was a long drive and I was booooooored... okay, not so much bored as I wanted to play, but - cool, eh? *g* Worth double-clicking on those top two, especially - floaty roads!
And since the entire country west of Gloucs. was shrouded in fog, I stopped by our church because it was there. And foggy. *g*
And then I was home...
...though still under the same moon as
foxcat74 and
rosie55 and all my fannish friends, so that's something, right?
And there is Dialj to catch up on, and I saw a New Year's story on my flist as I rushed by, and a cool meme I've not seen before to contemplate, and all manner of Pros-y goodness still to come, right? And stories to read! I have masses of stories waiting for me to read, including from the Christmas Special, still! So yeay for that. I think tomorrow will be a cosy sorting-out-tidying-up sort of day (house to myself, cos landlady is at work this week - yeay!), and then there will be writing of fic for my Dialj day, and finishing of Bodmin fic too, and doing of tax returns, and... stuff. And tonight, now, will be sleep... G'night... *g*