Pros and Plinths and Boing...

Aug 23, 2009 17:30

Lovely day in London yesterday - met up with angel_ci5 and made time vanish over coffee and Pros-y chat. I swear, we met at 10am, when I looked at my watch a minute later it was 11.30am, and a minute after that it was past one in the afternoon! How does that happen?! It's all to do with the lads...

Eventually we wandered down to Trafalgar Square (which is now something of a tradition, following our hunt for the lads' wander across the Square, which I've just realised I've not posted about! Twice! Twice we had to go, cos we couldn't figure out how they'd got the shot, cos... well, look:

Lads holding hands in Trafalgar Square, and view of all Trafalgar Square from the ep, right? (It's Only A Beautiful Picture of course...) And there's the pillars on the National Gallery to measure it all by, and the end of the building in shot, and the tree, and two massive great fountains in the square itself to limit the camera angle possibilities, so - should be easy, right?

But no, we had to go back twice to figure it all out, because of this...

First shot taken at our first attempt in December last year, the second in April - can you all see what we somehow failed to see until April?

They've built a bloody great set of stairs in the middle of it all! Cut off the traffic, added a whole level, a cafe... and there we thought it was cos the Christmas tree was in the wyay of where the cameras must have been... *g* In our defence, see whole chatting-thing above, and time-distortion and... general... lack of observation skills... *g* Good excuse to go back though, eh? *vbg*

So - we went to see who was up on The Plinth and it turned out to be a girl playing hangman, and we hung about for a while...

(I'm cheating, this pic is from when we came back and they were changing over...)...but our attention was totally distracted...

...see it?

Bockers! They totally made me think of the Walkers in Star Wars, the way the stilts kind of go backwards... We actually found out later what they were, reading t-shirts (*g*), long after the guy in orange had wandered up the stairs on his powerbocks, but we did get a hint when we saw this...

Cool, eh? Dontcha love what the kids're doing nowadays... *g* After way too long surfing searching, I found these impressive chaps and chapesses...

image Click to view

(I wanted to put up the Welshbockers, cos they were doing it in Cardiff, but they had more still shots in their vids... *g*)

Anyway, they were fab, and then we wandered the streets for a while looking for somewhere with comfy seats and a slightly better choice of vegetarian than Cheese sandwich with real ale chutney (come on, this is London!) - hampered slightly by the fact that I seem to have somehow... bruised the ball of my foot? I dunno, how do you even do that? I got home on Friday night, and owww... Actually it's okay when I sort of stretch it in, but... weird... So we were trying not to stray too far (after everyone's gorgeous suggestions too...) - but that didn't really work out! Next time we're orienting ourselves around the decent veggie places to eat - there was a Turkish place in those suggestions, I seem to recall!

Aaaand... that's pretty much it. Chatting Pros and the Plinth, and Bockers and the search for vegetarian snacks in London! Gorgeous day, it was... and Pros! *g*

pros locations, smiley things, real life, pros mentions

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