First airshow of the season - wheeee! And it was sunny (mostly) and it was warm, and I was with two Pros-y friends and was just chilled (well okay, bouncy, probably... but in a chilled way) and it was fab! And so wheee - picspam! *vbg*
There were planes that did this...
And planes that did this...
And heee upside-down Bukker Jungmann!
(I love it when they fly upside down... *g*)
There were incredible skies like this:
But the slightly choppy weather kept the Lancaster away, so we *sniff* only had two of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight - Hurricane (top) and Spitfire (bottom) I missed my Lanc! the sound of them though - now those are engines... *g*
It was a day for pairs, mind, cos due to an accident with a railway sleeper and a wheelbarrow there were only two Stearmans flying too...
How elegant are they? And with their sister on the ground...
Aaand... oh, what else? I know, they're just pictures of planes when they're not doing their thing, but their thing was so lovely... The finale was absolutely brilliant too - the Swift glider on tow with a Pawnee Tug, being played with by the Silence SA180 Twister, which looked something like this to start with...
And then like this... all twisty together...
And just as the glider finally came to rest, and everyone started to pack up and go home (don't you just want to be the person who goes home in their plane?!)...
...the heavens opened...
But how cool would it be to be able to shelter under the wing of your very own Auster - with D-Day stripes! *g*
And now I'm twenty minutes late for bed, but just before I go... Look what's coming to the airfield!
Ballooooons! Did I ever tell you I chased balloons one summer when I was in Alaska...? It's the first ever Norfolk Balloon Festival - I'm so going! Wheeeee!
Finally, finally... just as a reward for reading this far (if you did... *g*) - a little story from
magenta_blue and me... (sadly before
greengerbil arrived): we were wandering the classic car display (cos oooooh) and M paused in front of a rather snazzy MG, and the guy came around to talk about it. He was really nice - so keen on his car, and happy to chat and all, and it turned out that him and his mate (who had the Triumph next door *g*) worked in tv - he'd acted a bit too, but we didn't get to that - as a driver with tv units. And get this - he'd worked on... tip of the head back towards the hangar... "The Chief, with..." MS! Wheeee! Only bless 'im he wanted to tell us about Stephen Fry as well, and someone else in the middle, and he sort of rushed on, and could either of us figure out how to work the conversation back? Nooooo! Waaaah! But you know what I did get? That the locals were kind of proud of MS, and happy to have him around, at the same time as not wanting to make a big deal out of it so that he wouldn't be mobbed, and that was just... nice, you know?
So all in all - yeay first airshow of the season! Fairford next, and eventually Little Gransden, and.... oh bugger, just looked it up and LG is the same weekend as the Balloon Festival - waaaaaah! Or... yeaaaaay, cos the festival is on all weekend, so I could go to that on Saturday, and then LG on Sunday. Yes! *g*
I am so shutting up and going to bed now... marking again tomorrow....