Martin and Lewis were a riot...

May 08, 2009 08:44

My internet is being seriously dodgy this morning, so every time I think I'll do something it takes me three times as long. So while I've been waiting I've been dipping into The Book... *g*

From a description of "When the Heat Cools Off":
Michael Sheard (Merton): "I'd been employed to play a small role set in Cowley's office, with the three leads, as a gun expert. The director, Ray Austin, had the clever idea that we could throw the gun to each other rather than just pass it. Martin and Lewis were a riot; each time I threw it they'd drop it, and burst into fits of laughter. They kept apologising to Ray and telling him the gun was slippery, but it's obvious they were letting it drop on purpose. It took quite a few takes to complete the scene, and in the end even Gordon Jackson was pleased when Ray was content with the final sequence and called it a wrap. I read somewhere later that Martin and Lewis didn't see eye-to-eye during the production; that I find hard to believe on what I witnessed during my day on the show!"

I love it - our lads are complete and utter eejits, but they were absolutely together in their eejiocy! *vbg* Those reports of them hating each other just doesn't fit with what we really know! *sighs happily, wanders off to see if this'll post...*

ms, prosep11-wthco, pros history, lc

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