The Great ProsWatch - A Man Called Quinn

Mar 15, 2009 20:54

I managed to get two out of three things on my list done today - one of those was going for a walk in the gorgeous, summer-like spring day (There were butterflies! There were aeroplanes playing chase across the sky, and doing loops! There were March hares in the field! Or maybe rabbits, but I think they were hares - they were big!) The one thing I didn't manage was to finish the next part of the Comic Relief Pros story - bum. But I've started... So I almost deserve ProsWatch today... *g* The penultimate one! Eep!

Ah Repton, a man in a white coat, and presumably an in-patient with an axe... eep! A hypodermic... it makes all those fics where one or the other lads are taken more solid, doesn't it... Oh, and over the wall and awaaay...

Theme! You know, I still adore hearing the Contender vids music even, before the dvd comes on... *g*

The Capri - hee, followed by a copper on a bike! Bodie doesn't pull over either - well, not for ages... And they're late - wonder why..? *g*

Heee - "I made it 65 - but I'm not vindictive so I'm going to call it 65...Flash Gordon..." *vbg*

And hee - the lads are of course with a big Doyle-grin on official business... *g*

So much so that they park in the park - and then run up the hill to meet Cowley...

Oh, and Doyle calls Bodie "my dear"! We know he means it... *vbg*

And he laughs when he wins the coin toss... Nice start, actually - our lads so live together at this point... *g*

Quinn comes across another old boxer - London's riddled with them...

Lads again, lovely in the sunshine, together in their Capri!

Doyle looking at Bodie as he speaks into the R/T...

Hee Bodie teases the boxer... the lads sounding a wee bit wooden here though, I've got to say... But again, they look at each other!

Ha - I love that they have swords and blades decorating the walls of Repton clinic!

Oh - Doyle's straight over the windowsill of the woodshed - love it when they do things so effortlessly like that... Bodie's comment's a bit odd though - "Not entirely painless"...

Daffodils! It must be spring there too! *vbg* That op must have done wonders for Cowley's leg... *vbg* Oh, stuff and stuff and Quinn and stuff... where's our lads?

Aha - there they are. Doyle striding across the grass, Bodie with Cowley. Quinn is very good... Quinn was operational with Cowley - he seems so much younger... Bodie passes Doyle the bullet to look at... I'm sorry, even when their fingers just brush it's... right, you know? *g*

And they touch just a little as they walk down, and there's Bodie watching Doyle the whole time he speaks on the R/T... trusting him... they're working ever so smoothly together in these eps, for all there's not the spark of the earlier seasons...

Bodie's very beautifully over that wall at the back - competent... And hee - Doyle tells the landlady to go to her room and stay there, Bodie tells her to put the kettle on, love... *g*

Oh, the fab scene where Doyle uses Bodie's shoulder as a brace to break in...

Eek, and they're under the wardrobe together...

...and away after Quinn in the Capri, Bodie's door not shut before he peels away, Doyle holding firmly to a handle!

They lose Quinn though, via the oldest trick in the book - a well-timed lorry...

Oh, and George Cowley was Morris... Morris after the pre-war car... Somehow the 1927 version does seem more Cowley than the 1956 version!

The lads walk close again...

The chase is on - oh, and Bodie grabs Doyle around the waist as he rushes up behind him to the tree! *happy sigh* We don't get enough touch-y lads in these later eps...

Quinn is a cool one, walking right through the lads with a grenade in his hand...

Heee - love Doyle swearing at Bodie about Morris... and Bodie just rolls his eyes, cos Doyle's just showing his temper again, and says Come on... *g*

Lads in the Capri being competent again... consigning Cowley to a safehouse, and loving that he won't like the sleeping arrangements... is a rather rough-looking safehouse - but hee that he doesn't mind the campbed!

Doyle in a holster... always good... Teasing Bodie about the tea, and Bodie's wee grin cos he knows he's being teased... *g* And puzzled Doyle - always amusing... *g*

Eep - no reply roof B - and Doyle's straight up... Oh no, and now Bodie can't raise 4.5! But Doyle calls him back, and Bodie saves Morris, and...

Hee - Cowley's bugged Bodie often enough... *vbg*

Sure enough the lads track Cowley, and they walk together, brushing shoulders... Bodie's double-bugged Cowley! *vbg*

Aeroplane! *vbg*

Oh, and the Capri roaring up to the hangar - the lads just drive into the middle of the fire fight and take everyone out!

Oh, but Quinn... taking off one last time...

And there it is... At least the lads are together together, although I do miss the energy of the earlier eps...

I think I shall go and read myself to sleep with Larton after that... *g*

great pros watch

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