Title: Steering Mechanism Fandom: Arashi Rating: PG Summary: (a) to (k). Nino tries to work it out. Notes: Placed second in the shoneenclub June contest; originally posted here.
The simplicity and subtlety of this makes it a wonderfully powerful piece. I loved it. This was at the top of my list of fic I need to comment on after reveals because ngh it struck me so hard the first time and even harder the second and I just wanted to keep rereading this forever. I was so sure that this was you but then I was even more sure that the hip hop AU was you, and it just never occured to me that the same person wrote my two favorite fics of the exchange. How amazing are you, really. ♥
This comment made me flail a whole lot because YOUR FIC, ngh.
But I'm glad the simplicity worked for you; when I first wrote this I was somewhat worried because... nothing very much happens in this story, but there were specific emotions and things that I wanted to put down in words, at that point.
I reckon that must have confused many people, actually! I hadn't meant to submit two, but once I had, I became keenly aware of how obvious my fics are. Lol.
You give high praise indeed. Thank you for reading! ♥
This was a cute little read. I like the format a lot, especially the revised parts that were only one or two lines. :) I really like Sho's and Nino's relationship too. Talking before bed and falling asleep on each other...Sho knew what Nino needed, huh?
And all the members knew exactly how to treat Nino, not smothering him, just letting him work it out like he wanted to. I like that dynamic of Arashi, even though cute and snuggly Arashi is cute and snuggly.
Comments 4
But I'm glad the simplicity worked for you; when I first wrote this I was somewhat worried because... nothing very much happens in this story, but there were specific emotions and things that I wanted to put down in words, at that point.
I reckon that must have confused many people, actually! I hadn't meant to submit two, but once I had, I became keenly aware of how obvious my fics are. Lol.
You give high praise indeed. Thank you for reading! ♥
And all the members knew exactly how to treat Nino, not smothering him, just letting him work it out like he wanted to. I like that dynamic of Arashi, even though cute and snuggly Arashi is cute and snuggly.
Very good job!
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