I might cross post one or twice in here, but I'm over there too. Yeah...there --->
http://www.theprincesangel.com/Blog/home/index.php I did find out what a YEC is. Young Earth Creationist. Is that somebody who believes the Earth is six thousand (or so) years old? And the billion year old rocks were, in reality, placed here by aliens to confuse the masses. Thus perpetuating the eternal battle between evolutionists vs. creationists. A YEC therefore must be the total opposite of an evolutionist and/or atheist. Correct me if I`m wrong.
But what of us that are IDGAD? We are completely left out of the equation. I find that highly insulting, and it increases my persecution complex.
For those not in the know, IDGAD stands for I Don`t Give A Damn How It Happened. We`re Standing On The Damn Thing And That Really Is The Point. I was just too lazy to type all the initials.
Listen carefully, class. I will try to explain the current popular theory of evolutionists, creationists, Christians, atheists, Muslims, Jewish (long list, ain`t it?) Fundamentalists, the Militant Left and Right, and George Bush.
The linear school of A is also B but only if A is similar to the triangular equation of S,T, U. If A doesn`t meet that criteria and refuses to do a jig every Thursday then it clearly is not of the A variety, and most definitely not a B. However, keep in mind, if an A (with STU) qualities does the appropriate jig but it is done before 9 am, then it falls into the O label. It can call itself A, proclaiming A properties, but it is lying to itself and in denial. It has P, I, D triangular elements. We must realistically apply the IKMTY equation. Whether they want us to or not. It is the only way.
(IKMTY--Superiority of brain mass + Absolute Knowledge - ten degrees of lack of reality = I Know More Than You to the tenth power).
On a side note, class, we have discovered: The lower the age of the theorist, the higher the IKMTY factor. It can also work in reverse as well, thus increasing the IKMTY factor to unbearable levels.
Choosing to ignore the theory above, Anti-humans follow the GTFOOMF theory. (Common sense + I like what I believe - any ability to take anything seriously = Get The Fuck Out Of My Face to the umpteenth power).
Of course, there are the UPYOURS spacial deviations. While anti-humans acknowledge the existence of such; evolutionists, creationists, (etc etc etc), proclaiming superior brains, do not follow that line of reasoning.
Silly humans.
Becoming anti-human in my old age wisdom gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Now class, go out and spread the word. Make me proud of your anti-human status. Proclaim it in your LJ's.
Humans scare me. They really do.
(Ok, now I `m done. Love you. Bye-bye.)