Nov 15, 2009 19:58
Well we got home about an hour or so ago. Probably more like two hours ago.
My son and I went to eat at Steak & Shake (which I didn't think was so great- but then I never have been too thrilled with them). Then we went to Wal-Mart to look at toaster ovens and so he could buy some things he needed. Then we went over to Target to look at toaster ovens but I didn't see any I liked there so then we went back to Wal-Mart and he bought me the one I saw there earlier that I said I liked. It's an early birthday present from him. It's a combination toaster & convection oven.
So tomorrow I have a doctors appointment.
Tuesday I have the orientation at the Community Blood Center and find out more about volunteering there.
Wednesday I have my regular volunteer assignment at the hospital. And choir practice at night.
Thursday my son and I go to dinner at my daughter and son-in-law's.
Friday I have my W.E.P. assignment and later I go to C.R. with my friend.
Saturday evening they have a "holiday" thing going on at the shopping center up the street that I may go to.
Sunday is church and then later Shape-Note singing. I'll have to get my son to tape some of the race for me.
He taped it for me today when we left so I could "watch" it when we got home. Mostly I fast forwarded through it. YAY!!! Jimmie won! I pray he wins next week or has a good finish so he'll win his 4th championship in a row!
Gotta run! More later! :)
jimmie johnson,