
Nov 01, 2009 20:17

Well I started crying this morning during the sermon. The pastor was talking about how we will see all our loved ones in Heaven after we die. But all I could think about was when my husband passed away and seeing him dead. His face was all bluish purple and well... it' best I just don't keep going on about it.

Mostly I kept thinking about how he hadn't been saved and whether he ever professed a belief in Christ. I can only hope he may have a the last minute. I know the not the best thing in the world but ...
I also started crying because I don't know that I will see him again in Heaven if he wasn't saved.
The same holds true for seeing (not seeing) my dad. I'm almost sure he never confessed to believing in the Lord.
The thought of it was and is very upsetting to me.
I am glad that the lady next to me in choir has some tissues. She could see and hear me crying.
I tried not to make too much noise. Limiting to sniffling. I hope the people in the pews didn't take too much notice.
We did the whole reading of the names of loved ones and others who have passed away during the year. Also lighting of candles for them. We do it every year on All Saints Day (Nov.1).

The choir sang "Shall We Gather at the River" We also later sang "For All the Saints" but everyone sang that.

Guess that's all for now.

Enjoying having little guinea pigs again. :)

people, 2009, life, emotion(s), faith, church, november, family(ies), love, death

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