Lots to do today

Oct 27, 2009 08:34

Well I think there's lots to do anyway.
I'll be leaving here in about an hour to meet up with my friend.
We are going back to the Job Center to try to find out about that training.
I hope the session won't be canceled again.
After that I am over to the J.S.S.T. for job seeking training.
After I leave there I may head over to pay my car insurance or maybe I will call it in.
I don't know yet. Depends on how I feel.

So today my son is 27. 27 on the 27th! We haven't done anything yet like the cake thing and all that. We'll do that later. He's sleeping right now.

Well my friend just called and told me she called the place to make sure the session was still on. It is. We are going to the 10 a.m. session.

I hope I remember some other things I need to do. Like putting the renewal sticker on my back plate.
Also I have some paperwork to fill out and turn in tomorrow at the hospital I volunteer at.
I still haven't gotten our guinea pig buried. And it's supposed to rain today!
I was getting tired and also my back was and is bothering me. Maybe this Thursday I can get the poor little guy in the ground.

I guess that's all for now. I need to eat some breakfast. Not sure how I'm going to handle lunch as I will only have a 1/2 from the end of the session and J.S.S.T.
I may go to the cafeteria at the Job Center and grab something.

people, 2009, life, guinea pig, weather, october, birthday(s), death

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