This and that

Sep 12, 2009 09:20

Well I got up awhile ago. I went and turned off the porch light. I didn't notice at first that my son was not here. I then figured that he was in here on the computer. But he wasn't.
I don't know where he went. He's back now but he didn't mention where he went.
I am guessing that he is now asleep on the couch.
I'm going with a friend later to a "Popcorn Festival".
Hope we don't do a lot of walking around. But I probably should do more walking around than I do.
Had a rough night last night. My back was hurting enough to keep me awake.
I did take some tylenol and also heated up my "heating pad" and used it. I guess the combination finally took affect sometime after 2 or 3 this morning.
I'm still on my "mural watch". I took some more pics yesterday. I took pictures of a mural at the Habitat for Humanity here in Dayton. I had forgotten about that mural.
There's also a mural up the road near a "Canoe Club" that I want to get some pics of.
One problem with murals though is, if they are large... unless you have a camera that can get the whole thing in one shot- you have to take the picture in "sections". I guess the kind of camera you need is a wide-lens? Or one of those cameras that does the 365 thing. I know I am not making any sense to most of you. I know what I am talking about but I don't know how to it explain it well at all.
So- many pictures I want to take of murals, I can't get the whole mural in one shot.
Nothing much else to say right now.
I have a lot of stuff recorded on the DVR to watch but I don't know when I'm going to have time to watch it. I also have a movie to watch (dvds).
Guess that's all for now.
Have a Great Day!

people, 2009, life, back, pain, camera, september, sleep, photo(s)

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