Dayton Celtic Festival

Jul 26, 2009 07:12

Well my plan is to go here -----> Dayton Celtic Festival after church. Well I plan to come home first and gather a few things i.e. the camera, water bottle, maybe a sandwich, etc. I also want to change clothes.
I don't know yet if I am going to drive back over to the church and park my car and take the bus or whether I will walk to the bus stop. I will probably drive back to the church and leave the car in the lot and take the bus down.
I may ask a friend of mine at church if she wants to go. I could have gone with another friend but turned her down yesterday because I thought it was going to keep raining. Now I wish I would have gone with her. That was my original plan. She can't go today because she will be meeting up with family which she hasn't seen in a long time.

I guess that's about it for now.
Will try to post some pictures after I get back tonight.

Oh- they said we will get rain today but it will be "scattered" I hope they are right but actually I hope we don't get any rain. We had plenty yesterday!


july, 2009, life, weather, celtic festival, event(s)

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