Hey! Get a life!

Jul 16, 2009 09:31

So we enjoyed the movie last night. Even if it was after midnight before we got out.
I don't really think it affected my usual sleep pattern as I have been going to sleep sometime after one anyway lately.
Didn't really see any movies in the trailers that I'm crazy about rushing to see.

I wanted to go over to Wal-Mart afterward but I wasn't sure if they were still open. It so happens that the entrance was blocked with traffic barrels for some reason.
I was hard to tell as it seemed there were some street lights out and so I couldn't even tell if Wal-Mart was even open. I am guessing they weren't. My son was under the impression that they were as he seems to think that they all stay open 24/7. I told him that I thought this one closed at Midnight.
Oh well. Another time.

I'm really enjoying being able to listen to "radio" on the Internet. Right now I am listening to Celtic Rock on Live365.com. They have a great variety that you can listen to.

Well I really need to get off of here and do some laundry and some other stuff.

I won't be going to VBS tonight because I am going to Bible study with my friend.

I still can't decide whether to go to the Celtic Festival this weekend. If I do I hope I can go with my friend. I may drive to her house and then we will probably take the bus down there.

july, 2009, life, radio, celtic festival, music, movie

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