I may not be working but I'm still staying busy!

May 29, 2009 15:57

I just realized that even though I am not working- I still have a rather busy schedule!
What with my volunteering and then the thing for the "Directions" card and all.
I was finally contacted again by someone from the Dayton Historical Society today. They will be having a project coming up soon that they want me to help with. It will be scanning documents of some kind. I can do that1 :) Someone is supposed to get back with me on Monday about it.
Well I made a big mistake of reading my daughter's lj. She told someone she wished she had a "cool mom". Gee - thanks- I'm sorry I'm not "cool". I guess I shouldn't be surprised though. She never has thought I was "cool". Oh well. Whatever.
I was going to join in on the new "Bible study" coming up but it looks to me like a "re-hash" or whatever of what we've been doing in CR and 12-Step. I don't know that I am up for it. No offense but it, well I think I would be "over-whelmed" of something.

My pain seems to be on a bit of hiatus for now. I hope it doesn't flare up later but who knows.

I'm tired.

people, 2009, life, tired, volunteering, family(ies), may, cr

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