May 26, 2009 19:30
I think. I have a fan blowing right on me but it's only about 2 ft or so away from me. It's a big box fan. I used some of the money I made this weekend to go to Wal-Mart and buy one. I was hoping I could find one that was cheaper but ...
It "only" cost $14.50 but I for (whatever reason)feel I should only have to pay about $10-$12 for a box fan. I think it's a 20 inch box fan. I checked at Family Dollar and Deals but did not see any. Oh- I think they had some at Family Dollar but I can't remember what they wanted for them.
So I went to my W.E.P. assignment today only to basically sit around and do my Soduko puzzles and read for 7 hours. I can't freakin' do that at home. It's all so pointless. They are supposed to be training us or helping us towards getting a job.
I get more from my volunteer assignments than I do from going there! At least when I'm volunteering I'm actually doing something constructive.
Oh- I did make some phone calls for her but that was only a few and didn't take long at all.
So I guess that is about all. Bye.