May 15, 2009 14:17
I feel if I don't get this down now I may not get it down.
I was in the shower earlier and I started thinking about stuff.
I was thinking about my purpose in life. I think it's the real purpose of all of us. That is to "serve the Lord"
But how many of us TRULY serve the Lord???
Not many I bet.
I mean I think I am starting to understand the passage(s) in the Bible about "Taking up your cross" and "Following Jesus"
I basically means- We have to give up everything that we hold dear. For real.
I wish I could say that I can do that but if I'm going to be honest I don't know that I can or could.
Now it doesn't necessarily mean you have to run off to some third world country and help fight aids and all like that but I do think it means you have to live modestly or whatever and help others out that have nothing. Show love and kindness to others and such. I think the Amish rather have the whole thing down but maybe not. I don't know.
I sometimes say (especially around Christmastime) that I'd love to run away and joing the Amish. I get so fed up with all the commercials and such- screaming at us to BUY, BUY, BUY and GOTTA HAVE IT and so on. It's really pathetic.
I will admit that I am "addicted" to many "worldly" things, this computer being one of them.
Oh- I think we also have to give up some of or many of the people we love and/or hold dear as well. It mentions all of this in the Bible. Again- I would find this all very hard to do. Especially being as co-dependent as I am.
Could I just up and leave my son and go off and do the "Lord's Work"? Probably not.
I'm not completely sure where I am going with all of this but it all came to my mind when I started thinking about my purpose in life or perhaps just the purpose of life in general.
I know there are people out there who don't agree with me or won't agree with me on this. Too bad.
Lord forgive me for being so "human". I've sinned and I know it. I will probably continue to sin. Of course I will. Again. Please forgive me.
Yes- I know Jesus died for our sins but he still wants us to acknowledge Him and ask for His forgiveness.