Well that went better than I thought it would

May 12, 2009 11:16

So I had to go over to Community Action Partnership today for my "assignment" for my food stamps.
At first I wasn't sure I'd be able to find a place to park but I found one right in front of the building. Praise God!
Then I get in there and I'm greeted by a guard with a wand who wants me to open my purse and my lunch bag, etc. Asks me if I have anything sharp, etc. Then he tells me I will have to take my lunch and put it in the car. I explain again why I am there and how am I supposed to keep it cold, etc. So anyway- he realizes what's going on and then says it's OK for me to have it then.
He refers me to another window and so I let them know who I am and why I am there.
After a bit I meet up with a lady who explains what I will be doing and we work out a schedule for when I will be coming in and all.
So it looks like I will be coming in twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays) for 7 hours.
One day it will be only 6 hours. Anyway - whatever adds up to 27 hours for the month.
I'll be doing clerical and data entry work so that's cool.
Who knows- perhaps I'll get a job or at least enough experience to get a job.

I've started reading another "dog" book. This one is called "A Good Dog" by Jon Katz. It's about an unruly border collie called Orson.
Uh-oh- I just checked out the reviews at Amazon. I read a few and they were not nice.
I hope I don't regret reading this book.
I guess I best not read anymore reviews as not to ruin it for me.

people, 2009, may, life, book(s), animal(s)

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