Man- I'm tired!

May 10, 2009 20:45

Well it's been a long day and I'm pretty tired. I just got home from my daughter and s-i-l's.
She made a nice dinner of pork chops and beans and potatoes. Also we had salad.
She made cakes for B's mom and me. Actually they were "half" cakes. I'll post some pics later or tomorrow.
Earlier G and I went to see Star Trek. I still have "mixed" feelings about it. Some of the scenes in the beginning bothered me. Also I was having some trouble getting used to the other actors playing the parts of the characters. I think the guy who played "Bones" did a pretty good job and didn't have too much of a problem with him. Couldn't really make up my mind on the guy who played the part of Kirk but it was easier to get used to him than the one playing Spock.
And I thought the guy playing Pike was Martin Sheen but it's not!!! He sure looks a lot like him to me. So much so that I think he could pass himself off as Martin Sheen with little or no problem. I could be wrong but I don't think so.
Well gotta go as my son will want on here soon. Bye!

2009, may, life, holiday(s), movie

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