New computer monitor

May 04, 2009 08:57

So my son announced last night that his computer monitor was kaput.
So later today we have to go get a new one. He had also just went to Wal-Mart yesterday and bought a new keyboard for his computer. Always something.

I have to leave in a bit and go to the bank and deposit a check he gave me to cover the gas bill.
It's only the amount to keep it from being disconnected.
I really need some type of employment.
Friday I start my W.E.P. assignment. W.E.P. stands for Work Experience Program and it's suppose to also teach you some kind of work skill but it doesn't really. I am not sure what I am going to be doing exactly.
I have to put in 27 hours per month for my food stamps.
Oh- I need to get over to the post-office as well and mail off those cards. I can kill two birds with one stone (so-to-speak) as the P.O. is near the bank.
Late today I will be going over to the Goodwill to do my volunteering in HR. Last week I had to remove files from the file cabinet and box them up so they could move them to the "new" office down the hall. I hope I don't have to do anything quite so strenuous today. My back is already bothering me.
So I need to get off of here for now and try to get something done. Bye for now. :)

2009, may, life, volunteering, money

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